
The right insurance for mompreneurs

We will show you which insurance policies are mandatory for you as a mompreneur and which are optional. Here you will find the most important tips and what you need to consider.


The right insurance for you as a self-employed mother

Are you a mother or soon to be a mother and setting up your own business? Then you are a mompreneur and have to consider a few additional things when it comes to insurance. It's easy to forget something and cause confusion.

As a mompreneur, you are considered an employee in your own corporation (e.g. LLC or PLC). In this case, various types of insurance are mandatory and others are optional.

Compulsory insurance for mompreneurs

Business insurance

In principle, there is no legal requirement for business insurance. However, there are various special features that are interpreted very specifically. For example, FINMA requirements may be important for financial services. Therefore, clarify whether there is any compulsory business insurance that you have to insure in your business.

Personal insurance

The compulsory personal insurance policies with which you and other employees of the corporation must be insured include AHV, IV, EO, unemployment insurance, accident insurance and occupational retirement provision.

ATTENTION: If you hire additional employees in your own company, you must not forget to insure them as well!

The corresponding insurance premiums depend on many different factors, such as differences in the industry, age, turnover and salary levels. So there are no flat-rate premium rates.

Old-age and Survivors' Insurance (AHV)

All persons who live or work in Switzerland are required to be insured under the AHV.

The AHV covers the loss of earned income due to old age or death to the basic subsistence level. It provides benefits for the elderly and for survivors, the amount of which depends on previous income and the contribution period.

Disability insurance (IV)

Disability insurance (IV) is compulsory throughout Switzerland. You must therefore have IV insurance.

The aim of the IV is to enable disabled people to secure their own livelihood. However, if this is not possible, the IV will provide a (partial) pension.

Income compensation order (EO)

Insurance is mandatory for all persons who live or work in Switzerland.

The EO covers part of the loss of earnings in the event of military service, civilian service, civil defense, maternity (maternity allowance) and paternity (paternity leave).

Unemployment insurance (ALV)

All employees are subject to compulsory ALV insurance. As an employee of your own corporation, you are thus subject to compulsory unemployment insurance.

The unemployment insurance pays in the event of unemployment, short-time working, insolvency of the employer, weather-related work stoppages and reintegration measures.

Accident insurance (UVG)

Accident insurance is mandatory for every employee. As a mompreneur, you are employed in your own company and are therefore subject to the UVG.

The mandatory accident insurance covers medical expenses for occupational and non-occupational accidents, as well as daily allowances and pensions.

Please note: Employees whose working hours are less than 8 hours per week are not insured against non-occupational accidents under the mandatory accident insurance.

Occupational pension (BVG)

In principle, every employee is insured under the BVG from an income of CHF 21,510. This insurance is compulsory when the employment relationship begins and at the earliest when the employee turns 18.

ATTENTION: Note that self-employed persons are not mandatorily insured under the BVG, UVG and ALV. This means that if you have set up a partnership (e.g. a sole proprietorship and a general partnership), you are not mandatorily insured under the occupational pension plan, accident insurance and unemployment insurance.

Voluntary individual personal insurance for mompreneurs

There are various options for you to take out additional voluntary insurance. These include, for example, daily accident and sickness benefits and higher coverage through the 3rd pillar in the absence of BVG. If you have any further questions or are unsure about what is really necessary in your case, please feel free to contact the AXA specialists.

Contact AXA specialists

Optional insurance for mompreneurs

Depending on the type of business your company is in, it may be important to take out optional insurance policies. Please note that each company will have different recommendations for optional insurance policies.

So you should first ask yourself what risks could arise in your company and how high the corresponding damage would be. Then think about what insurance you need in addition to the mandatory insurance. We recommend that you get professional help and advice so that nothing is forgotten.

Business liability insurance

Business liability insurance covers liability risks that arise from business activities. This means that personal injury and property damage caused by your company to a third party are covered.

Professional indemnity insurance

You should take out professional liability insurance if your company employs a professional group whose work may give rise to liability claims. For example, doctors, dentists, lawyers, trustees and architects are among these professional groups. Professional liability insurance covers personal injury, property damage and financial losses.

Property insurance

Building insurance: Building insurance covers immovable property. If you buy or own a property, only damage caused by natural forces and fire is covered by the mandatory building fire insurance. If your company is exposed to further risks, you can insure additional damage here.

Insurance of chattels: Insurance of chattels includes movable items that you place in a building, either as a tenant or an owner. Damage to furniture and furnishings is therefore insured.

Corporate legal expenses insurance

In business, legal disputes can arise quickly. These can result in high legal fees and court costs. With commercial legal expenses insurance, you can protect yourself financially against such losses.

Cyber insurance

It is important to protect yourself against cyber risks such as hacking and data loss and the associated liability. Every company can be at risk here, as business processes are increasingly digitized. We therefore recommend that you take out appropriate insurance that protects you from the financial consequences of any attacks.

Transportation insurance

Does your business model depend on the transportation of goods? This involves dangers and risks that are out of your hands. You are handing over responsibility for your goods to a third party during transportation. With transportation insurance, you can protect yourself financially against such risks.

Technical insurance

With a technical insurance policy, you can insure technical devices and machines (such as printing presses, processing machines, computer hardware, film and photo equipment). This covers unforeseen and sudden damage or destruction.

Personalized advice

AXA's specialists are there for you!

Do you have further questions about insurance for your own mompreneur business? No problem! Just call or email the experts at AXA. They will help you with all your insurance questions and address your individual needs!

SME specialist

Heiko van Husen

079 551 33 72

SME specialist

Maik Rufener

079 240 24 88